Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mrs. Dalloway and The Kite Runner

My latest read was Mrs. Dalloway-- read it for the first time! Loved it. I'm glad it wasn't ruined for me by an awful high school English class' study questions and quizzes and regurgitated essays!

"...this figure, made of sky and branches as it is, had risen from the troubled sea... as a shape might but sucked up out of the waves to shower down from her magnificent hands compassion, comprehension, absolution."

"After that, how unbelievable death was! -- that it must end; and no one in the whole world would know how she had loved it all."

Saw The Kite Runner with Liz on Monday. It was good but... the book is just so much more emotional and thought provoking. The movie misses the mark on pulling out the full extent of emotion tied in with the story of the boys, Afghanistan's history and plight, the terror and horrors of the Taliban. I remember being so much more moved by it all from reading the book. Nonetheless, this story is important so making it more accessible for the public through film is not a bad thing. I just think a library card serves much better than a movie ticket for this one.

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