Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Weekend

Largely uneventful save about 8 episodes of Entourage Season 3 and a new found addiction to The Tudors.

The Packers/NYG game last night was CRAZY! Great game to watch... and a hard one to root for since NYG is my east-coast adopted team but I would have loved to see a Packers/Pats Superbowl. We watched at Muffin/Sweeting's (Meetings or Deetings... Why haven't we thought of Dweetings yet? That's more fun). Best part of their house (aside from the inhabitants of course) is definitely the fireplace. After all too much coercion, we finally convinced Sweeting to let us but the pizza boxes in the fire despite his reservations that we would "dirty the flu." Seriously? Seriously. I have no idea why this was a highlight of my Sunday, but it was.

Three day weekends are the best things ever... tonight will be David and my 3rd Annual MLK Day Georgia Browns visit. Can't think of a better way to celebrate the man than by eating soul food. Really, what could be a better tribute? Ok I can think of a few things, but none taste as good as Georgia Browns.

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