Wednesday, October 24, 2007


First "Blog" Prayer Request Alert

I've always known in my heart that I would someday decide to get baptized, but felt it was something I would do "when the time was right." Translation: When my spiritual life was where it should be.

Pastor Mark has talked about different benchmarks in our journey-- places we could stop and build an altar or a monument. I consider the Upward Bound 2005 weekend in Ocean City, Maryland one of those stops for me. It's where I first gave my heart to the Lord as an adult with an individual faith independent of my family and background. That same weekend, Pastor Mark baptized about five NCCers in the surprisingly-warm-for-October ocean. I remember standing witness on the shore for each of their baptisms and it has since become a personal goal of mine to take that step (or plunge!) myself.

I very much feel that the time is right and it's my turn now, which stings my eyes with joyful tears and my heart overflows with thanks as I write this and reflect on how far the Lord has taken me in two years! I'm not sure where or when yet, but am definitely more inclined to do it outside :). We're not really in "outside baptism season" going into winter here, but I am expectant for spring or summer of 2008... Keep that on your prayer radars for me!

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