Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shane and Carissa McLean!

Writing their names out like that makes me even more happy than I imagined it would. Shane and Carissa said their "I do's" last Friday, August 21st. They held the ceremony and reception at this really neat mountain home in Boulder, Colorado on an absolutely perfect night.

Unfortunately my camera battery didn't make it through the whole night so I didn't end up with many pictures, but here are a couple highlights... 

Oh Carissa, you are lovely beyond words.

You may kiss the bride, man!

This one is for Big Wiz, who is definitely the most likely to ask about the food and cake :)

My camera held out just long enough for one with the bride and groom - Yay! (Yes, I'm wearing the same dress as I did to Erica's wedding AND to Staff Ball in DC. Shut up.)

It was a very quick trip - I flew into Denver on Friday morning and out Saturday afternoon but I am just SO glad I was able to make it. I was thinking about how with people you know are going to be your friends forever, the meaning behind being present for something as huge as a wedding is going to grow exponentially as we get on through the years. 

And there will be many sweet years to come for these two :)

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