Monday, February 27, 2012

And that's enough...

There are about a million MEPN-related things I could be posting as another week of Med-Surg revs up, but I keep holding myself back from yet ANOTHER nursey-post until I have written about something else first. And the problem is... there ISN'T anything else. It's ALL MEPN, ALL THE TIME. It really is.

At the outset of all of this when they were saying "how intense of a year it is" and asking questions like "how will you deal with the stress", I viscerally remember my inner scoff at what weaklings they must think we are and how this isn't my first rodeo with a high-capacity, time-and-personal-life-consuming environment. Well, MEPN... you win. You're intense. You're all-consuming. I've never experienced anything like you before. I surrender!

I feel like I go to a high-stakes big-kid dorky science summer camp that requires me to constantly haul loads of books, a computer, gym clothes, reusable coffee AND water cups, and snacks to share with my B-team buddies (Who I draw closer to with every week that passes; a wonderful consequence also helped by our post-clinical Friday tradition to commiserate together at Finnegans; and also facilitated by mild clinical-induced hypoglycemia and beers. But seriously, they're wonderful. I have deep respect and gratitude for them. They make me laugh from my gut and cry from my soul and show support in ways I'm starting to realize only nurses can).

So all that to say, I love this so much... but I wish I had something else to write about besides MEPN. And that's enough to make anyone feel a little crabby!

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