Wednesday, December 21, 2011

30 Before 30: #17 Dye my hair

I decided in September that my 27th year would be my "year of blonde". (Sidenote - I know it's not grammatically correct to put periods outside quotations but I do it anyway because it doesn't look right otherwise). (SEE! We put the period after ellipses!! Why not quotations!?). Anyway, back to my year of blonde...

I bumped into an old friend who is a hair stylist now and set up an appointment with her in September. I went in totally convinced I'd walk in a brunette and out a blonde. Apparently it doesn't work quite like that because it has taken three months to go from this...

To THIS!!!...

I still am going to go lighter, but so far this is where we are at. I had my first OH YEAH, I'M BLONDE moment today when I was buying hair clips at Target and realized I needed the lighter ones instead of the dark ones now. Weird!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh! Nice!