Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Omnivore's Dilemma

30 days of vegetarianism has come and gone and yet still no meat. Under no more obligation to follow through on a self-imposed challenge, the omnivore's dilemma is more relevant than ever.

As was likely apparent in my previous posts, I have above all actually enjoyed this! I ordered things on menus I never would have, I made recipes I would not typically have prioritized, and surprised myself by how little I missed meat. To be fair, I live in Northern California... land of year-round produce and lots and lots of vegetarians. Whole Foods in Oakland became a weekday lunch haven for me... and cost-wise that is probably not a very sustainable plan.

Now I am in South America for three weeks and am certainly not intending to deprive myself of any quintessential local cuisine (read: argentinian beef or empanadas de carne), but neither am I in any rush to reincorporate meat into my diet. Perhaps it will slowly creep its way back onto my plate, and my intention was never to be authoritarian about this in the first place. But for now... I like vegetarian me. So maybe there is no dilemma at all.

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