Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend at Arista

Meli visited us all the way from Paris and I was of course MORE than happy to accept an invitation to spend a weekend at David's parents place near Healdsburg. Arista Winery makes a great flight of wines ranging from a rare-for-Sonoma Gewurztaminer to a few different pinots that are wonderful. Much more important, however, is the hospitality of the McWilliams who are amongst the most generous and warm people I know.

But back to Meli... Melina REALLY wanted an "American breakfast" - and who could blame her when that means bacon and cheese until your blood is practically the consistency of oil!? We met at a diner that totally lived up to expectations. Here's a pic of a very happy and satisfied Meli after we ate:

The McWilliams just got the COOLEST present EVER from a family member that I have dubbed the "Aristamobile" - It's fully equipped with the Arista logo, plenty of cushiony seats, storage, a cd player, and of course a Texas Longhorn or two. David wasted no time driving us around the property and I wasted no time sampling a little vino :)

Pretty oak. Very Annie Liebs.

We also squeezed in a non-wine-related event of going to Armstrong Woods so Melina could see the Redwoods. It was all overcast and foggy which actually was a really cool effect for the trees. You could look up and see droplets of water falling down from wayyyyyyyyyyy up there all the way to the ground. Makes you feel small.

Aside from getting conned into seeing Avatar, it was a great and relaxing weekend that we ate and drank entirely too much. I did get to go to a bunch of new wineries I had never tasted at before such as "J" winery which was probably one of my favorite tastings ever. We did just the champagne flight. So needless to say it was very successful :). Great to spend downtime with Melina too - all too often we are in the craziness of a group. So nice to slow down!

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