Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kind of Existential

As many of you know, I had kind of been dead set on moving to Minneapolis and working on the upcoming RNC Convention in September. I started reaching out to them last May hoping to figure something out for a move this fall. After a few calls with one of the lead staffers, I kind of pushed it out of my radar because they were not yet poised to hire the me's of the world. A little disappointing, admittedly.

Well-- they called last week about some job possibilities. If they had called three weeks earlier and I may have been freezing in Minnesota all winter :). Is it not so interesting to think about different instances in your life where timing was absolutely everything? I'm frankly relieved that these calls didn't come while I was campaigning for the new position in the office. It would have seriously complicated my discussions and decision making. It's never a bad thing to have opportunities on the table and options to chose from, but I think I may have taken that plunge to move and try something completely different. But I would have missed out on relationship-building and experience-gaining with the boss... continuing as a part of my work family and being a part of my colleagues lives as they get engaged and pregnant and other wonderful things!... staying with my DC fam for another year... my fabulously sun kissed peach room... being here for when the Administration heads up and moves out... exploring options for 2009 with the experiences from 2008 under my belt.

I think more interesting than anything is my contentedness and lack of regret that these calls didn't make it to me three weeks earlier.

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