Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Christmas Carol in SF

Made it home for Christmas! Slept for 17 hours from Friday to Saturday... 4 on the plane, 8 overnight, woke up for 2 for eggs and Band of Brothers with Pu, and apparently needed another 5 for a nap. No such thing as a bad nap I say.

Mu treated Julie, Taylor, Jacob and I to dinner in the city at Houstons and then we were off to A Christmas Carol at the ACT.


-Julie and I vetoing mom's idea to go to the Macy's food court for dinner. The second I heard we were thinking about that, I knew it was not going to happen.

-Julie refusing to ask our waitress for bread because she thought she'd say no. Seriously Julie? Seriously.

-Taylor in his first button down Abercrombie shirt. Apparently the 5th graders in Danville are ALL ABOUT ABERCROMBIE. I actually remember when this phenomenon happened to the Stanley 6th graders in Lafayette. I still wish I had those cool forest green warm ups with the light blue stripe on the side. Those were so cool.

-The ghost of Jacob Marley at the show. That guy was pretty rad. When he first came out of Scrooge's bed he spit out all these gross wormie things out of his mouth. I had my binoculars poised and ready to capture this impressive moment of the stage. Binoculars. Ha!

-The gingerbread castle in the St. Francis. It weighed like 1200 pounds and took something like 120 man hours to make. Sweet. (woo hoo pun!)

-Union Square's decoration-- Sax looked gorgeous with a bunch of snowflakes all lit up, and the Macy's tree was neat too. There were carolers! Since when is "For He alone is worthy" part of Joy to the World? I like it, I do. I'm just wondering about the authenticity of it you see.

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