(Kev on the far right)
Kevin is my first friend in the whole world and I think that fact has meant more to me this year than it has any year before it.
A list of 26 things I admire about Kevin in no particular order:
1. Kevin is competitive in a good way. (It has taken some years to smooth out the edges on this one but you did it Kev!)
2. Kevin is a great listener. He doesn't just nod his head and agree with what you're saying - he thinks about it and will ask you to elaborate if he doesn't understand.
3. Kevin uses his hands in a very distinct way when he talks - especially in front of people - it's really cute.
4. Kevin is well-read.
5. Kevin makes the best BBQ salmon ever. Also shrimp but the salmon has an edge for some reason.
6. Kevin is still holding strong with his love for powdered or chocolate doughnettes after all these years.
7. Kevin writes and plays music and is in a band that's even on itunes.
8. Kevin totally hit the marriage jackpot with Rach.
9. Kevin makes meaningful friendships with nice people (which benefits me directly b/c I in turn get to be around them)
10. Kevin can eat whatever he wants and will still be a beanpole for his whole life (hey this is about things I admire, remember!?)
11. Kevin developed great personal style in college and wears it well.
12. Kevin has a sincerity and humility I think only found in people who have gone through the ringer. He could have chosen to be hardened and angry. Instead he's sincere and humbled. Maybe this should have been the number one thing I admire.
13. Kevin loves him some Jesus and Jesus lovvvvvvvvves him some Kev.
14. Kevin's biggest vice I'm aware of is he smokes cloves. Pretty good for a biggest semi-public vice. Plus, I like enjoying a good clove with him. (Linda and Lee if you're reading this just cool your jets... it's only once in awhile after heavy dinner conversation that needs some porch time follow up!)
15. Kevin is a new blogger! Check out re:birth here.
16. Kevin lets Rachel call him "Snugs" in public with little to no protest.
17. Kevin is fantastic at that crazy weird rabbit wii game where you sit on the board and sled down the slopes. He doesn't even get hung up when you "sabatoge" him with snowballs.
18. Kevin indulges my attempts at being philosophical and/or theological.
19. Kevin also indulges me when I'm being girly or wanting "the scoop" on someone's relationship. He does this by passing me off to Rach haha.
20. Kevin is such a learner! He wants to know a lot, see a lot, experience a lot, etc. His enthusiasm for new stuff is contagious!
21. Kevin is a beloved uncle, brother, and son.
22. Kevin is a loving uncle, brother, and son.
23. Kevin takes criticism well. I kept bugging him that he never responds to my emails or texts quickly enough and there has been a real improvement in that area since I filed my complaint.
24. Kevin is a straight man who loves Glee and isn't ashamed to say so.
25. Kevin appreciates the value of a good nap.
26. Kevin loves God and loves people in a profound way that goes beyond his 26 years of learning how.
Love YOU Kev - Happy Birthday!